My First Heading

My first paragraph.

30 January 2009


this is a dream project for THEM (moooo......)

an architectural solution for homo sapient food source

‘bio-mimicry’ or mimicking the nature is implemented in the proposal of abattoir, cattle trade outlet, and feedlot farm development in Sepang. The development shows the need of encountering issues of standard abattoir design, cleanliness, hygiene, odour, sustainable activities, self sufficiency of Malaysian market and halal market for the world.

The proposal was performed in an effort to develop a commercialized abattoir with the integration of immitating the nature for sustaining the factory process. The abattoir gives it service to slaughter animals in the RUMINANT CATEGORY that are 30 cattle in one session of slaughtering. In the other hand, in delivering the meat products and out front the related government agencies, these activities are commercialized through ‘Cattle Trade Outlet’.

Choosing the site location concerns the proposal as there is no specified structure plan for abattoir. Concerning to that matter of producing quality product, the site chosen is located at the outskirt of KLIA, This is due to the fact that it is in the zone of agriculture and the needs of a conducive abattoir in the state, and sufficient products for the community.

The abattoir is design as such to sustain the factory process by integrating the rain water harvesting, industrial waste filtration and air filtration as to encounter severe contamination of water ways with urine and silage leachates. It is concerning the discharge waste water contains high BOD, COD, suspended solids and ammonical nitrogen. Thus, bio-mimicry on BUILDINGS SHOULD be implemented in the future DEVELOPMENT, so that it will help to solve problems on severe POLLUTION.

an architectural solution for homo sapient food source

sound so serious........

well this is the proposal

and this

so............................this is my big idea for small world. hope with one of this solution can help us to save the world.

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